What age do you treat from?

We treat from age 3-16 years of age and will have some exciting news for babies and toddlers in 2025!

What dental appliance does The Quantum Kid recommend?

The appliances we most commonly use are the Vivos Guides. Your child will typically begin on the first appliance, known as the VStarter.

As they grow and develop, they will progress through the difference appliances in the Vivos Suite.

The Vivos guides are prefabricated stock appliances. They are a significant step forward in technology because of the profound effect they have in the mouth and the cranium. The Vivos Guides amplify your child’s natural growth forces, so you can consider them both dental and osteopathic appliances.

There are clinical scenarios where Dr Khan may opt to use other appliances such as the ALF appliance.

What type of treatment does the osteopath do?

Our osteopaths carry out a range of gentle manual therapies to help unlock your child’s:

- optimal cranial rhythm

- optimal breathing pattern

- optimal posture

What is the duration of the initial appointment?

An initial consultation joint with Jalal and Cole is 30 minutes.

In this session, Jalal and Cole will perform their toes to nose assessment, explain the treatment plan they recommend and answer all of your questions to ensure that practitioner, parent and child are all on the same page.

Following this initial appointment you will receive a Initial Appointment Summary and Treatment Plan so that you can make an educated decision on your child’s treatment route.

What is The Quantum Kid 12 month program?

The Quantum Kid 12 month program involves the combination of wearing the growth guidance appliance, partaking in Facegym and/or Breathing online course and regular osteopathic treatments, dental reviews and checkups at The Quantum Kid clinic. It’s a team effort!

How do I know if treatment is working?

If your child is compliant in wearing the appliance, we can potentially see significant advances in your child’s health.

Some of the changes we’ve seen in children we’ve treated include, but are not limited to, improvements in:

- their symptoms

- improved breathing patterns

- a change in behaviour

- a change in sleep patterns

- an improvement in energy levels

- postural improvements

- facial form changes

- improvements in physical abilities

How long will it be until we start seeing results?

This depends on multiple factors, primarily you child’s compliance in wearing the appliance as well as your implementation of the supportive modalities we may recommend in the parent agreement .

Some of these recommendations include:

- reducing screen time

- improving sleep preparation

- nutrition changes

- lymphatic drainage massage